
Stainless steel cold

There are basically three kinds of cold working process, namely cold drawing process, cold rolling, cold - drawing a joint process. Most foreign stainless steel plate tube of cold-rolled cold - drawing combined process, and mainly cold rolled, cold drawn, supplemented by processing methods.
     Modern cold rolling mill can achieve greatly reduced diameter and greatly reduced the amount of wall thickness, the deformation of 80% complete at the cold rolling mill. Fixed using cold wall, combined with cold call to change the specifications and control diameter, to meet the different varieties and specifications.
     Cold rolling - drawing combined production process advantages are: good quality steel, high precision cold-rolled steel pipe wall thickness and surface quality, cold technology to ensure the accuracy of pipe diameter; cold period is short, reduce intermediate degreasing, heat treatment, necking, straightening and other processes, saving energy, reducing metal consumption; shortage of large-sized tubes can be used raw material to produce small-diameter steel pipe, simplifying the type of raw material specifications.
     Currently, cold-rolled and cold drawn technology and equipment level has been greatly developed world. Cold rolling mill forward speed, long stroke, ring pass, high-precision direction, this mill is characterized by:
     * Use the inertia force and inertia torque balance mechanism vertical mill roundtrips to improve;
     · Using circular hole, rolling mill block length is shorter than the stroke length of 70% to improve the uniformity of rolling deformation, increase the amount of feed;
     · Adopt a long tube, pipe material shortage length can be increased from 12 to 15 meters, can produce long steel pipe, increase mill utilization, effective utilization coefficient of rolling up to 80%;
     · Adopt and best parabolic curved mandrel hole, metal deformation reasonable, tool and die life is high.

